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30 Best Google fonts for your next project

30 Best Google fonts for your next project - Michael Lutjen

At the time of this writing, there are a total of 1005 (and growing) fonts available via Google Fonts. That is a dizzying amount to choose from. Luckily for you, I’ve gone through and selected my favorite Google Fonts. They are, what I consider to be the best Google Fonts available for your next project. I’ve broken them down into four distinct categories: Display, Monospaced, Sans-Serif, and Serif.

The decisions you make regarding your font selection will affect your website’s bounce rates, conversion rates, and more. If you’re still wondering why you should consider using Google Fonts for your project consider the following. Google fonts also:

  • Allow for a consistent look/feel across all platforms and browsers
  • Speed up your site and the internet as a whole
  • Can give you a professional look for free

To use them online all you need to do is include a call to the specific font within your HTML. That’s it.

The following are the 30 Best Google Fonts available for use in 2020.


A display typeface is a typeface that is intended for use at large sizes for headings, rather than for extended passages of body text.

Alfa Slab One

Alfa Slab One - Michael Lutjen


A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.

Cutive Mono

Cutive Mono - Michael Lutjen

PT Mono

PT Mono - Best Google Fonts - Michael Lutjen


In typography and lettering, a sans-serif, sans serif, gothic, or simply sans letterform is one that does not have extended features called “serifs” at the end of strokes.


Archivo - Best Google Fonts - Michael Lutjen


Exo - Michael Lutjen


Cairo - Best Google Fonts - Michael Lutjen

Josefin Sans

Josefin Sans - Best Google Fonts - Michael Lutjen


Lato - Best Google Fonts - Michael Lutjen


Montserrat - Michael Lutjen


Nunito - Michael Lutjen

Open Sans

Open Sans - Michael Lutjen


Oswald - Michael Lutjen


Raleway - Michael Lutjen


Roboto - Michael Lutjen


Rubik - Michael Lutjen

Source Sans Pro

Source Sans Pro - Michael Lutjen

Titillium Web

Titillium Web - Michael Lutjen


Ubuntu - Michael Lutjen


A serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family of fonts.


Alegreya - Michael Lutjen


Aleo - Michael Lutjen


Arvo - Michael Lutjen


Cormorant - Michael Lutjen

Libre Baskerville

Libre Baskerville - Michael Lutjen


Lora - Michael Lutjen


Merriweather - Michael Lutjen

Playfair Display

Playfair Display - Michael Lutjen

PT Serif

PT Serif - Michael Lutjen

Roboto Slab

Roboto Slab - Michael Lutjen

Slabo 27px

Slabo 27px - Michael Lutjen


Vollkorn - Michael Lutjen

Google fonts are a great way to speed up your site while giving you that professional look you desire. The fonts in this list are, in my opinion, the 30 Best Google Fonts available for use in 2020. If you’re interested in seeing every font Google has to offer, check out the Google Fonts Directory.

If you are looking for further guidance on how to create a consistent web experience check out my post discussing the 12 Ways to Ensure a Consistent Cross‑Browser Compatible Website Experience. In it, I review the essential frameworks and processes that will allow your users to have a consistent web experience regardless of browser or operating system.